An Open Letter To The Prime Minister

To the right Honourable Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia. Sir, I implore you on behalf of a great many Australians to do one thing, to make one simple gesture, and that is, stop, stop attempting to ingratiate yourself with those on the political left, stop trying to bring the other side along with you.…

Questioning Failed Capitalism

A common mistake people make when talking about wealth disparity and income inequality in Australia is that they often attempt to conflate what is happening elsewhere in the world than what is happening here. This cross-cultural relevance attempt is often made mistakenly to make the problem sound far worse than it is, or can be…

The Truth?

At some point one has to ask, what is with those of the political left and their aversion to truth? There is simply making an erroneous statement, everyone will be guilty of that from time to time, and then there is also bending a truth or factoid in order to express a view, and then…

Questioning Rights

Rights, how important are they and by which means should we protect them? Should we adopt a “Bill of Rights” in the same way many other advanced democracies have? If we should, who should be entrusted to write such an important instrument of social order? Should it be a simple law or should it be…

Questioning Vox Populi

Who speaks for you? Who speaks for me? Who speaks for all of us? Do we want someone to speak in our stead? And if everyone is doing the talking, who is doing the listening? The simple Latin phrase “vox populi” can imply a number of things, most importantly that the people have a voice…

Questioning Speech

How important is the right to speak? What does it mean? What danger does it represent to the state? What danger to the citizen does its curtailment represent? Pertinent questions in a world where altered views of the very right to speak exist. And an even more important question to be asking in a world…

Questioning Truth

Australians are often touted as having a well-tuned at-birth installed “Bull-Dust” detector, but, is this really true? Or are we just telling ourselves something we want to be true in the vain hope it is? In a landscape of ideas divided between equally questionable theorems, where views, opinions and events are seen through one coloured…

Questioning Values & Cowardice

Is cowardice a value? Are we cowardly? Are our values for sale? Do we trade our values so that we need not defend them? Have values become irrelevant to the modern world we live in? As Australia grapples with its place in the world it should be asking not only the previous but other important…

Questioning Merit & Equality

Merit, and equality, much has been said of late regarding these two unrelated ideas and even more has been said about how these two ideas must be viewed. Can merit be a matter of equality? Are we all of equal merit based on our gender? Does the idea that we have to assume merit is…

Questioning Economy & Government

Is it time we started to have a look at exactly how our economic model works? How our government’s position within that model works? And how we can extricate government from economy in general? I theorise that if your government is the driving engine for economic growth your economy has failed, simply government spending has…